Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Eat and Sleep

This week Grandma's main motivation has been eating and sleeping. She puts her head down when she's tired (whether it be the table or just plain leaning across her wheelchair at a wierd angle) and when she starts getting hungry that's all she wants to talk about.

Today we read the paper and flipped through a couple of magazines before she started telling me "Well let's go," and "How about we go to the table?" She says things like that when she's hungry, although she doesn't come right out and say she's hungry. You can't get her mind off of it once she's started. I finally gave up and wheeled her into the dining area at 4:30 just to get her quiet. She seemed content then.

Once we got in the dining room Mabel started up with "I'm tired!" To know Mabel is to know that she yells out anything she says, and once she starts up with "I'm tired!" then you get to hear it about a thousand more times through the course of dinner.

My mom is returning from Europe later today, so I'm sure in some way Grandma will be glad to see her. Whenever I show up I get a sense of "gladness" even though she doesn't smile or say so. It's in her eyes. She likes being called Mom, or Grandma, maybe because it gives her a sense of her self that she forgot long ago.


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