Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Preparation Zero

I was telling some one the other day that you can read all you want about Alzheimer's, you can talk to doctors, try and get insight about the disease, it's symptoms, causes, preventative measures, etc. However, nothing prepares you emotionally. You can try to look at things logically, take notes of reactions, and measure out the Alzheimer's stage by what the symptoms are that day. Two months ago I was worried that Grandma was having trouble swallowing (and she was) and what that meant for her eating habits and what was going to be done. I was a wreck emotionally, but rationally I was telling myself that this is how Alzheimers goes and that there would be a finality (eventually).

Now that "finality" seems to be pushed off a little, but it's still looming. And none of us want that day to come, but we know it will.


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